In 2009, homeowner, Ina Townsend Young, hired Historical Research Partners to research the history of her home so she could present the written history to her husband, Kevin, as a Christmas gift. As with most houses, the history of the house located at 125 Center Street in Huron, Ohio, was quite interesting. The house was constructed around 1851 by master shipbuilder, John F. Squier. From 1854 until 1883, Squier built or modified 30 ships and tugs, but his most outstanding contribution to Great Lakes commerce was the propeller, Ohio, which he built in 1875. The Ohio was known as the first four-masted ship to sail all of the Great Lakes. Squier primarily built ships in Huron, but also worked in Milan, Toledo, Vermilion, and Lorain. Squier’s ship building career ended in 1883 when he constructed one of the last ships to be built in Huron, the Sakie Shepard.
John Squier and his wife, Maria, lived at 125 Center Street with their three children (who were all likely born in the house) until 1861. Over the next six years, the property changed hands many times until it was purchased in 1867 by prominent Huron businessman, Christopher Krock. Krock and his wife, Susan, lived at the Center Street home with their 7 children. Both Christopher and Maria lived there for the remainder of their lives.
The next long-term residents of 125 Center Street were Edward and Blanche Shaffer. The Shaffers purchased the home in 1919 and remained there the rest of their days. Shaffer was a self-employed fisherman. He constructed the interesting stone building that sits just to the northwest of the house. Shaffer used this sturdy structure as his ice house and as a place to store his catch until it could be sold or shipped.
In 1987, Kevin Young purchased the Center Street home and has lived there ever since. Currently, the home is for sale as Kevin and Ina seek to spend their retired years in a warmer climate. So, who will be the next resident to add to the rich history associated with this fine Huron home?