Below is a press release from the Ohio Historical Society regarding six properties in Ohio that were recommended for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places.
One of these properties is the Stone House on Mason Road in Berlin Heights, Erie County, Ohio. After working on the required paperwork for nearly a year, I am thrilled that the Stone House has been recommended for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. The Stone House, which sits amidst the orchards at Quarry Hill Orchards, was built around 1835 of locally quarried sandstone. This is one of the oldest Greek Revival-style structures in Berlin Heights and the only one constructed solely of sandstone. Most importantly, this is the first property in Berlin Heights to be recommended for inclusion on the National Register. The final decision is in the hands of the National Park Service and should be rendered within 90 days.
For Immediate Release - April 9, 2010Contact: Kim Schuette, 614.297.2314 or 800-340-6131 or by email at
State Board Recommends Six Nominations to National Register of Historic
Places Properties in To Be Considered by National Park Service
(COLUMBUS, Ohio)- Members of the Ohio Historic Site Preservation Advisory Board voted today to recommend that nominations for the following properties in Ohio be forwarded to the keeper of the National Register of Historic Places at the National Park Service for consideration:
They include: Avon Isle in Avon (Lorain County); Bellville Cemetery Chapel in Bellville (Richland County); Baldwin Wallace South Campus Historic District in Berea (Cuyahoga County); Stone House, Berlin Heights (Erie County); East North Broadway Historic District in Columbus (Franklin County); and Woodland Cemetery in Dayton (Montgomery County).
If the keeper agrees that the properties meet the criteria for listing, they will be added to the National Register of Historic Places. Decisions from the keeper on all five nominations are expected in about 90 days from when they are sent to the National Park Service.
The 17-member board, chaired by Nancy Otis of Celina, is appointed by the governor to advise Ohio Historical Society and the state on historic preservation matters. It includes professionals in history, architecture, archaeology and other historic preservation related disciplines as well as citizens. The board meets three times each year to consider proposed Ohio nominations to the National Register of Historic Places and conduct other business.
About the National RegisterThe National Register lists places that should be preserved because of their significance in American history, architecture, archaeology, engineering, and culture. It includes buildings, sites, structures, objects, and historic districts of national, state, and local importance. To be eligible for listing on the National Register a property or district must:
Be associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history; or Be associated with the lives of people significant in our past; or Embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction, or represent the work of a master, or possess high artistic values, or represent a significant, distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction (e.g. a historic district); or Have yielded, or be likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history.
National Register listing often raises community awareness of a property. However, listing does not obligate owners to repair or improve their properties and does not prevent them from remodeling, altering, selling, or even demolishing them if they choose to do so.
Owners or long-term tenants who rehabilitate income-producing properties listed on the National Register can qualify for a 20-percent federal income tax credit if the work they do follows the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation, guidelines used nationwide for repairs and alterations to historic buildings.
In Ohio anyone may prepare a National Register nomination. Nominations are made through the Ohio Historic Preservation Office of the Ohio Historical Society. Proposed nominations are reviewed by the Ohio Historic Site Preservation Advisory Board, a governor-appointed panel of citizens and professionals in history, architecture, archaeology, and related fields. The board reviews each nomination to see whether it appears to be eligible for listing on the National Register, then makes a recommendation to the State Historic Preservation Officer. The final decision to add a property to the register is made by the National Park Service, which administers the program nationwide.